Local Education Agencies & Non-Local Entities Requirements

- Provide recycling and organic waste collection containers in all areas where a garbage container is located, except for restrooms. Containers must have labels with language and/or graphic images to indicate primary materials accepted and prohibited.
- Subscribe to organic waste collection service in addition to garbage and recycling through a franchised or other qualified hauling company.
- Self-hauling is allowed; however, you must make certain that organic waste and recyclables are not landfilled and receipts and weight tickets must be kept on file.
- Educate employees, contractors, and students on how to separate organic waste and recyclables from garbage.
- Inspect containers periodically to make sure the right materials are going in the right containers.
- Provide education on how to prevent generation of organic materials (source reduction).
- FREE Youth for Environmental Sustainability (YES) toolkit to download bins signage, tracking sheets, interactive recycling activities, and much more to encourage students to consume their food and recycle food waste.
- All K-12 Public and Charter Schools
- School Districts
- County Office of Education
- Public Universities and Community Colleges
- Country Fairgrounds
- Prisons
- State Agencies and Facilities
- Federal Facilities
- Special Districts
Frequently Asked Questions
Some tips to keep organic waste bin clean and reduce odors:
- Drain excess liquid from your food scraps before disposing.
- Line your kitchen pail with organic material such as newspaper, brown yard waste, before discarding into your green organic waste bin to absorb odor causing liquids.
- Sprinkle baking soda on top of food scraps to eliminate odors.
- Frequent cleaning of your kitchen pail and organic waste bin.
- Additional ideas may be provided by your organic waste hauler for how to store your food scraps prior to placing them in the green cart or bin they provide.
Schools that provide or sell products meant for immediate consumption are required to provide bins to staff and students for collecting organic waste, recyclables, and trash.
- All three (3) bins must be accessible, visible, and marked with clear instructions on what items are acceptable and prohibited.
- If any food is prepared onsite at school cafeteria/kitchen, food waste bins should be provided to cafeteria kitchen staff to separate food scraps and/or post-consumer waste.
Yes, schools may self-haul their food waste to a permitted organic waste processing facility such as a composting site, back-haul organic waste to a central location for their waste hauler to collect, or compost organic waste on-site. If your school is interested in setting up on-site composting or organic gardening, free workshops can be found on County’s Smart Gardening website.
Yes, the County encourages food waste reduction and edible food donation whenever possible. Donation excess edible food will also help your school to effectively reduce your food waste. Visit FoodDROPLA.com for assistance to connect your school with local food recovery agencies to donate excess edible food and help people in need. When it’s feasible, schools are also encouraged to set up Shared Tables to help students and their families who are experienced food insecurity.
Yes, educational facilities, such as schools, school districts, county offices of education, community colleges, universities, and other educational facilities are required to subscribe to organic waste collection service or self-manage organic waste.
For specific information about how organic waste is being managed in your community, contact your waste hauler. If you live in an unincorporated area, you may also call Los Angeles County Public Works staff at (888) 253-2652 from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday. We also encourage you to check back to this website for additional updates.
*ADA and Title VI Accommodations: Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations, interpretation services, and materials in other languages or in an alternate format may contact Los Angeles County Public Works at (626) 458-5100. Requests will be processed within 7 days. Individuals with hearing or speech impairment may use California Relay Service 711.